Saturday, March 23, 2019

Health benefit of Ashwagandha

Living with poor health can have devastating consequences, too, including having below average stamina; low energy; fatigue; muscle tension; fat gain; irritability; insomnia; poor sexual performance; social anxiety or nervousness; and depression.

But don't despair. Research shows that adapotenic herbs like ashwagandha can help fortify your body, giving it the strength it needs to keep you healthy and happy.
Benefits of Ashwagandha

Studies suggest that ashwagandha can reduce social anxiety, improve physical performance (strength and endurance) and cognitive performance (focus and memory).
Fortifies your immune system preventing you from catching the common cold, flu, or unwanted illnesses.

Significant improvements in overall sexual function, including arousal and satisfaction.
Promotes healthy sleep and can help individuals who are suffering from insomnia.

Shown to improve cognitive function and reaction time.

Helps fight signs and effects of aging.
Improves physical performance and cardiovascular endurance, boosts velocity during sprints, increases leg muscle strength and aerobic capacity.

Supplemented primarily for its ability to reduce anxiety, fight depression, treat insomnia, improve poor physical performance, poor libido, and low stamina.
Ashwagandha is said to help rejuvenate and regulate hormones, improve thyroid function, increase stamina, lower cholesterol, boost immunity, and heal adrenal fatigue.

Ashwagandha supplementation can help stave off social anxiety and stress.

Furthermore, may help combat anxiety induced by stimulants such as caffeine and stress caused by physical exercise. Unlike anti-depressant and anti-anxiety medications, ashwagandha doesn't cause any adverse reactions.

Studies suggest that ashwagandha can help those who suffer from insomnia or who have trouble sleeping.

Ashwagandha has been shown to boost cognitive function and memory. This is largely due to the powerful antioxidant effects that destroy free radicals which can cause cognitive decline.

Due to its calming and energizing effects ashwagandha has been shown to boost stamina, improve physical weakness, increase concentration, boost motivation, and increase energy.

Ashwagandha dose

If the supplement is using an ashwagnadha extract, the label should state the amount of “withanolides” inside each serving. This is a compound known to contribute to ashwagandha's overall effectiveness. ).
For the highest quality be sure the ashwagandha herb used to make the supplement is sourced from an organic farm.

You will find 1 of 2 variations root extract and/or root powder. Extracts are more potent and have overall higher effectiveness.

1,000 mg (1g) – 6,000 (6g) Ashwagandha root powder. Powder products should contain a minimum of 0.3% total withanolides

500 mg (.5g) – 1,500 (1.5g) Ashwagandha root extract. Extract products should contain at least 1.5% total withanolides. A minimum of 6 mg of withanolides per serving. 10 mg – 30 mg withanoldies is what most research studies use.

Ashwagandha is known for its powerful positive effects on the central nervous system and has been shown to be particularly beneficial at boosting immunity, increasing energy, improving cognitive function, reducing stress, eliminating anxiety, and more.

There is over 300 scientific research papers on Ashwagandha's ability to:
Reduce socially induced anxiety

Improve libido and sexual performance

Boost strength and vitality

Reduce anxiety and depression (sadness, worry, fear)

Combat effects of chronic stress (fatigue, low energy)

Boost physical performance (strength, power output)

Increase mental vigor (focus, contraction, memory)

If you are looking to feel better, have more energy, look younger, concentrate more, and increase your physical and mental vigor then ashwagandha may be the single most beneficial herb you should be supplementing right now.

Ashwagandha is known as the “strength of the stallion”. Some experts believe the name suggests that one who ingests ashwagandha can attain the strength and vitality of a horse.

This botanical herb is associated with re-invigoration, strength, energy, and its extraordinary anti-anxiety (confidence boosting) properties.

If you’d like to speed up your research into buying the absolute best ashwagandha supplement, know that the product you are buying is organic, non-gmo, and filler free, and be confident that you are not over paying, then this might be the most important article on ashwagandha you'll ever read.

What you are about to read below is the most comprehensive objective information regarding ashwagandha on the internet. We reveal how to find the best ashwagandha supplement; full of “reviews” and “tips” that you may not find anywhere else.

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