Thursday, March 14, 2019

Herbal for skin care

Did you know that the largest external organ in our body is the skin? Our skin is a mirror of our health, and establishing an easy to follow Ayurvedic skincare is a truly holistic way to nourish it.

1 : Don’t forget to eat your vegetables

Ayurvedic skincare emphasizes the importance of a good diet. And vegetables like Asparagus, carrot, cucumber, daikon radish, fennel and lettuce are considered good for all the 3 doshas.

They improve your skin because they are light and contain more water, and the great thing is whether hot or cold, you can include these yummy veggies either in a salad or make a delicious curry with them.

2 : spices in your food

Add turmeric, cayenne, black pepper and ginger in moderation to your meals. These spices promote digestion by stimulating agni (digestive fire) and also remove toxins from your body. Good digestion means good skin!

3 : Munch on nuts and seeds

Another simple Ayurvedic skincare tip is to be sure to include seeds and nuts into your everyday diet, as they are full of proteins, vitamins, minerals, fibre and healthy fats.
You can snack on raw and unsalted almonds, walnuts, pistachios, cashews, sunflower seeds and flax seeds. Sprinkle chopped nuts on your porridge or add a teaspoon of seeds to morning smoothies. But beware of using these to fill your hunger as you’ll find yourself over indulging on them.

4 : Drink a few cups of herbal tea

A cup of herbal tea gives you the antioxidants you need to protect your skin from damage.

You can make your own Ayurvedic detox tea with ginger, turmeric, coriander seeds, cumin seeds and fennel seeds. Tea made from fresh ginger, lemon and honey can also help in protecting your skin from infections.

We are also massive fans of Organic India Tulsi green tea and drink a cup or two each day.

5 : Exercise

Exercise is an integral part of the Ayurvedic lifestyle, and an exercise routine aligned with your dosha type will improve your digestion, increase your immunity and build your strength.

Working out especially yoga helps in balancing Vata and makes you sweat, which removes ama (toxins) from your body. 

Exercising 5 times a week is ideal, but even just adding 2-3 workouts a week with increase the effectiveness of your Ayurvedic skincare routine.

6 : Breathing

You already have the most important Ayurvedic skincare remedy – your breath! The way we breathe impacts our skin. If your breath is shallow, you look paler. Stress dehydrates your skin. If you breathe deeply, a good amount of oxygen goes to all your cells creates radiant skin.

The best way to maintain a natural rhythm for breathing is to do pranayama (breathing exercises). Learn how to do alternate nostril breathing with Adriene

7 : Sleep early

Another crucial Ayurvedic skincare ritual is getting enough sleep. When your doshas are imbalanced,  you get worked up  and begin to lose sleep. A good night’s sleep is crucial for flawless skin.

Sleeping well also prevents wrinkles. Make sure you go to bed between 10 to 10:30 PM and wake up before sunrise, and try and get at least 7 hours of sleep every night.

8 : Cleanse

Cleansing your skin is important to get rid of toxins, dead cells, any excess oil and makeup. Avoid using soap-based cleansers on your face as they dry your skin.
The beauty benefits of rose water make it a wonderful natural cleanser. If you’re Vata dosha, use a mixture of rose water and milk to clean your face. If you’re Pitta, use only rose water. If you’re Kapha, rinse your face twice a day with warm water to get rid of any extra oil.

9 : Moisturized

Ayurveda emphasizes the use of natural oils to moisturize your skin. One of the easiest and most natural ways to moisturize dry skin is by doing Abhyanga (an Ayurvedic oil massage).

For Vata skin, go for sesame oil, almond oil, castor oil and mustard oil. Sesame oil has many benefits and that’s why it is one of the most common massage oils used in Ayurveda.

If you’re Pitta, use coconut, olive and sunflower oil with a few drops of sandalwood or lavender oil. Since Kapha skin tends to be oily, its best to use use oils minimally or use drier oils like sunflower and mustard.

10 : Exfoliate 

Exfoliation is a vital part of an Ayurvedic skincare regime, and Ubtans are used for cleansing and removing dead cells from the skin.

You can try a tridoshic scrub made out of turmeric powder, sandalwood paste, chickpea/gram flour, rosewater and milk. Apply this all over your body and face and rinse it off after 10 minutes with lukewarm water.

If you’re Vata, use a mix of rice and almond powder. Milk and sugar make a great scrub for Pitta. For Kapha, a paste of sea salt and honey works pretty well.

11 : Steam

Ayurveda followers swear by facial and fully body steaming. Begin by oiling your skin to draw out toxins from the pores.
Ready to steam? For facial steaming, boil a pot of water and carefully put it on table. Lower your head over the pot and cover it with a towel. Breathe in the steam and exhale. Do this for 5 minutes.

If you’re in the mood for something special, try this Ayurvedic herbal floral facial steam.
For full body steaming, get into a hot bath for 10-15 minutes. Use a natural bath salt infused with herbs. Sounds relaxing, right

12 : Hydrate with water and fresh juices

One of the Ayurveda skincare staples is drinking a sufficient amount of water on a daily basis. Not only does this hydrate your body, improve digestion, and fight constipation, but it also helps to moisturize your skin from the inside out.

You can decide the temperature of your drinking water on the basis of your dosha. Vata can drink warm water, Pitta can have it at room temperature and hot water is recommended for Kapha. But for all dosha’s try and have at least 7-8 glasses of water every day.

For healthy glowing skin, drink a glass of lemon water in the morning.

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