Sunday, March 17, 2019

How to manifests your desire



that a manifestation is ‘something that is put into your physical reality through thought, feelings, and beliefs.

This means that whatever you focus on is what you are bringing into your reality. You may focus and manifest through meditation, visualization or just via your conscious or subconscious.

 if you have been thinking about getting success in new business and you focused on exactly what you wanted and when you wanted it, your thoughts and feelings would be strong surrounding this. You could then try to meditate or visualize your goal and this can help to manifest it into your reality.

                        How it work

Same like Low of attraction, manifestation is where your thoughts and your energy can create your reality. If you are constantly being negative and feeling down, then you are going to attract and manifest negative energy.


First things first, you must align your belief system to be in total agreement with what you are wanting. Because if your beliefs don’t support your vision, you will always subconsciously hold yourself back from achieving your goals.

Your subconscious mind will hold you back to protect you from such a fate. Therefore your belief is counteractive to your desire. This belief is essentially canceling the intention of the desire.

Similarly, if you believe that money is a limited resource (meaning your gain is someone else's loss) you will also end up holding yourself back from becoming rich. You’re a nice person and you don’t want to take away from others, despite how much you may want to be wealthy.

If you have this inner contradiction you cannot make progress. Not only are you holding yourself back, but you’re also sending mixed messages to the universe.

You’re basically being a hypocrite (and nobody likes those). “I want to be a rich person, but rich people are assholes... I want to be wealthy, but I don’t want other peoples' money.” Stop killing your dreams with buts.

2. positive way

Unfortunately, almost always there will be something standing in your way to success. This shouldn’t scare you, this is just part of the whole manifestation process.

Negative beliefs/mindset

If you are in a bad place emotionally, you need to first get yourself into the right mindset before you can successfully manifest anything. You can’t be focusing on negativity and expect to attract good things into your life. So take some time to practice self-care. Try meditation and different stress-relief techniques.

Toxic people

When you are working on manifesting your dream you need to make sure no one is holding you back. People who don’t believe in you, always criticize you and/or complain about everything are blocks that will keep you from doing your best.


Sometimes you just need to be patient. Everything you want will happen. but it will happen at the right time and for the right reasons. So if something isn’t happening for you right now, it doesn’t mean it never will. Keep believing and keep working on your goal.

3. Visualizationl

manifestation quest, start by going somewhere that’s quiet and private, and spend just a minute on visualizing the thing you want.

Pour all your energy and concentration into seeing it with your mind’s eye, and let all the good feelings about the object or outcome well up inside you.

This step works best if you do a multi-sensory visualization; if you can see, hear, smell, touch and (if relevant) taste the outcome you’re looking to create. Make it as real as you possibly can, so it’s almost like it’s yours already.

Add as many details as you can, and don’t try to imagine exactly how the thing or outcome becomes yours; instead, focus solely on the end result of receiving what you desire.

Don’t think about how your desired object or outcome will manifest and don’t try to see it coming to you through any particular person or means. Your focus should be on the end result of receiving the thing of your desire.


This is vital because you cannot experience anything that is not in sync with your vibration.

everything is made up of moving energy and therefore has a certain vibration. You are energy.

Everything is energy in some form or another. Even your thoughts, feelings and emotions are energy!

You are an energetic being and your mood is the direct indicator of your vibration at any given moment.

the things that you want also have a distinct vibration. In order to bring them into your experience you have to match your vibration to their vibration and boom! 

You’re a vibrational match to your dreams. Which will attract them to you (or you to them) like a magnet.

Your vibration is your point of attraction. Meaning your vibration is the determining factor of what you attract into your life experience.

5. Manifestations & recived it

it can actually do a lot to shape your manifestation potential in the future. Basically, the key thought here is that you need to fully appreciate what you have once you achieve your goal. It can be easy to forget that you asked for what you received, so take proactive steps to prevent this.

Go back to what you first thought and felt when you were visualizing your desired object or outcome, and connect those experiences with the new experience of having what you want. Consider the tangible proof you have that thoughts are things, and that thinking in a certain way can create concrete changes in the world around you.

The receptive mode is the last part of the creative process. When you are in that sweet spot of feeling good and getting great ideas and impulses that help you to realize your manifestations in full.

The receptive mode is more something to be felt than to be explained, but I’m sure you have experienced moments of it before. It’s that feeling you get after a good run. It’s the sensation of knowing that everything is working out in your favor. When your dreams are so close you can taste them.

At this point, everything is already lined up for you, you just have to be in the right mood to receive it. It’s not just gonna drop into your lap (although it can), but it will come to you incrementally through ideas, impulses, and hunches.

Allowing is an art. To be in the receptive mode is to practice the art of allowing. Allowing the universe to do it's thing. It's thing being matching you to things, places, people, situations.

manifesting your desires so fast you'll think it's magic


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