Monday, March 18, 2019

Health benefits of watermelon

1. boost immunity

The high contain of vitamin C found in watermelon has also been help improve immune function shorten the duration of sickness and help body defend against heart disease and cancer.

2.  Improve heart health 

Studies have indicated  the potassium intake from fruits & vegetables can positively intake blood pressure reduction
In adult, which is useful lowering the risk of stroke and heart disease.

3. Relive muscle injury

Watermelon provide vitamin C. Has been show to protect cartilage and bone, to repair tendon and ligaments, and help to speed wound healing and scar tissue.

4. Detoxify the body

Watermelon is made up of water about 90 per.  Eating fruit and vegetables with a high water containts. Help to body detox and rid itself of excess water and fluid, relieving uncomfortable bloating and sweating.

5. Prevent kidney stone 

Watermelon is natural diuretic. Meaning it help to remove waste through. increase urine production.

6. Fight cancer

Watermelon is great supplier of antioxidant vitamin C and vitamin A. Both of which fight free radical damage and stop DNA from harmfully mutating.leading to the formation of cancerous tumors.

7.  Protect skin health

Watermelons antioxidant vitamin C and vitamin A both play and important part in maintaining the health of skin specially as someone ages.

8. Boost eye health 

Watermelon is great supplier of bitacarotene. Form of vitamin A foun in plants. It play role in preventing muscular
Degeneration, the leading cause of age related blindness.

9. Wright loss

Watermelon is very low in calories due to its high water content. Yet offered important nutrients. At inly 46 calories in cup. Watermelon make great healthy snack  options or addition to a healthy smoothie.

10. Relive acid reflux

Watermelon smooth the gastrointestinal tract help to regulate PH level, while also lessening inflammation and acid production throughout the body.

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