Tuesday, March 5, 2019

IS SEX GOOD FOR HEALTH , what happens to your body when you stop having sex

surprising benefits of sex that can improve your health inside.

Sex is an important part of life and overall well-being. In relationships, orgasms play a significant part in bonding. Physical and emotional benefits like reduced risk of heart disease, improved self-esteem, and more can come from having sex.

what happens to your body when you stop having sex.

scientific research has shown that regular sexual interactions affect the state of health, and that men who do it regularly are healthier and happier. We have already written about the benefits of sex and things that will happen to you if you regularly exercise it, but this time we focused our attention on the other side.

That's why we present you things that will happen to you if you do not have a regular action with your better half.

1.You get out of shape.

If you do not have sex for a long time, your body will drop out of the rhythm, which means you will last less in bed the next time and you will get tired faster. As with training, your body needs a constant challenge to make it stronger and stronger, and if you make a big break, then you get out of shape.

2.you risk getting prostate cancer

Regular ejaculation is required if you want to have a healthy prostate. If you have regular sexual intercourse, then you will not have problems, but if you have not done it for a long time then you are in trouble.

3.High blood pressure

Research has shown that those with regular sexual intercourse have far lower blood pressure than those who do not.

4.you will become more stressed.

 Sex is a great way to relieve stress, and if you have not been in action for a long time, then it means your body has accumulated a lot of stress & nervous.

5. Your immune system becomes more vulnerable

The orgasm is incredibly beneficial to our body because it improves and strengthens the immune system that protects us from various diseases. If your love life is currently bad, it means your health will be disturbed.

 Research has shown that people who do not practice sex often have poor performance at work, because accumulated hormones have a negative effect on the body.

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